Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My New Best Friend...He's Great

I guess it is no secret that most people have best friends. I have quite a few, and they're all cool. We do all the typical girl things like, watching romantic comedies while stuffing our faces, and holdong each others hair while puking and sharing secrets. But I believe I have a new and untapped resource, and thats the "male best friend" friend. My new guy best friend is amazing...seriously.

I'm not really sure how me and Aaron became "best friends", we just started texting each other, and somewhere along the way we became friends. I find him way easier to talk to than my other friends. For one he doesnt judge me, well at least not to my knowledge. Even though I usually text him very weird and sometimes vulgar thought of mine, he seems to think I'm pretty cool. Which is great cuz I've been trying to get people to see how cool I am for long time. But Aaron has a few more mainstream friends than I do, hopefully he can spread the word. We will be making our friendship official in the fall, with friendship bracelets.

We talk about everything like relationships or lack thereof. He provides great insight into the male community. We also love all the same things, like Spongebob Squarepants, Jay-Z, whores, anti-Patriotism, making fun of other peoples imperfections. What I'm basically trying to say is that Aaron is like the coolest best friend ever, I know that I'llbe blogging about me and Aarons shenanigans in the future, for sure.

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