Monday, December 20, 2010

Dix Du Jour:Movie With Scenes That Make Me Cry

  1. The Little Princess - Sarah is looking to her father to save her and he doesn't remember her because he got a spritz of napalm to his face.
  2. My Girl - "Where's he glasses? He can't see without his glasses!!" Enough. Said.
  3. Artificial Intelligence - Monica tries to leave David in the woods after whispering the magic phrase. What a bitch.
  4. Titanic - Jack and Rose are in steerage and water is about to sweep a child away.
  5. The Other Sister - Carla is making her wedding invitations and her whole wedding make me cry happy tears.
  6. Charlotte's Web - Whoever thought Charlotte's death should be a scene in this movie has some serious issues. What ten year old is stable enough for that? Hell, I'm 22 and I'm barely able to get through it.
  7. My Sister's Keeper - After Kate's first round of chemo until the end of the movie, I was in hysterics. I was also angry with the ending but you probably already read that.
  8. Hachi:A Dog's Tale - I can't give the scene without spoiling the whole movie
  9. Ladder 49 -Before he went crazy, Joaquin Phoenix dying in a fire made me cry. It also made me not want to date a firefighter or a policeman, ever.
  10. Pearl Harbor - Obviously, when Danny dies.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dix Du Jour:Quintessential Christmas Albums

1. Merry Christmas by Mariah Carey
2. The Sinatra Christmas Album by Frank Sinatra
3. LaFace Family Christmas Album
4. A Charlie Brown Christmas
5. White Christmas by Bing Crosby
6. Celtic Thunder Christmas
7. Merry Christmas 2 You by Mariah Carey
8. Home For Christmas by NSYNC
9. My Kind of Christmas by Christina Aguilera
10. From Then To You by The Beetles

Hot Seks of The Day

Columbus Keith Short

This Makes Me Think Of Jessica!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dix Du Jour:Things That Are Pissing Me Off Today

1. Someone just moved out of my apartment building, and they're doing a construction on it during my sleep time. Today it started at 8:16 am eastern standard time. I'm not pleased.

2. I feel and look like death warmed over. I don't really care, but it still bothers me.

3. The guy who works in the library is reading Decoded, the worst book I've bought this year. I may tell him about it when I go settle my outstanding balance.

4. Last night, I had a conversation with a male friend of mine, who asked me: "Why have we never been on a date?" The answer was quite simple and I said " Because I don't want to have sex with you." Which released all his demons and he was trying to figure out why. I don't owe anyone an explanation, but apparently telling him he wasn't my type didn't suffice. Then he asked me why I talk to him. So to the people who think just because someone speaks to you it means they want you, y'all are pissing me off.

5. I placed an order online last night for the greatest t-shirt in history and I have yet to receive a confirmation email. Its a problem.

6. These brain dead assholes I'm doing my final project with.

7. My Blackberry keeps freezing while I play Word Mole and then I lose.

8. People who unfriend people in the social networking universe. This is paired with number 4.

9. My lack of a real job.

10. People who don't respond to my text messages in a timely manner. My jokes aren't funny four hours after I ask you.

Hot Seks of the Day

Tom Hardy can invade my dreams any day.