Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oops...I Did That Whole Over Excited Thing Again

When you are lazy for so long, you tend to get way to excited for simple things. Yesterday, my laziness was squelched by pillows. For the past week, I've suffered through a bout of non-smoosh related back pain. So, when I got out of class early, I decided a trip to Target was in order. Normally, I love Target. I can spend hours in there, which I did, but yesterday's trip was on for the books. 

I started my Target quest with the intention of getting one (1) laundry basket, one (1) body pillow, and two (2) standard sized pillows. Instead I got hopelessly lost in a sea of red bullseyes and spent $104.08 USD on pillows and junk. While I was in the candle section, a browsin' and a sniffin', I saw in my peripherals a woman with a child trying to squeeze past me. So I moved my cart and when I look up at her, she's breast feeding a three year old. There was nothing covering the child's head, just nipple and toddler drool every where. I'm not opposed to breast feeding, I just feel that you should be modest about it. Not walking about Target casually hosting a child on your nipple. AND when I looked at her, she didn't even say excuse me or make an attempt to cover up her dirty pillows. Just when I thought that things couldn't get weirder, this child says, IN PERFECT ENGLISH "Mom, I'm done." I can't do this anymore. 

Blanyway, I got home and was so excited about my pillows. I did my laundry, took a shower, crawled into my bed and fell in love. I haven't slept that well in such a long time. I don't anticipate sleeping that well again until I catch a coma from a bountiful smoosh session. I was so excited to go to sleep last night, especially after my preview nap, and I wound up fighting with my new body pillow all night. It was disrupting my sleep and shit. I was not feeling it. As a side note, I named my pillow Sir Lucius Lush Lips and If you talk to me on a daily basis, you know why. There's a bright side to all of this. I woke up this morning without a stitch of back pain, so mission accomplished.

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